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Monday, October 3, 2011

30 days until the big 3-0

We all want to say that we've lived fruitful and fulfilling lives up to this point, but when I look long and hard at the number 30, it reminds me constantly that I've lived essentially three decades. That's thirty years under my belt, and of course, it constantly begs the question whether or not they were worth living every moment. I'm not saying that I have major regrets in what I've done to this point, but rather, I'd want to spend the next thirty days living a meaningful life.

Naturally, we want to strive to do what's humanly possible to say that we've made an impact, not simply to ourselves, but to those around us - whether it be a stranger or close loved one. Remember Jim Carey in Yes Man? Well, that's how I'm going to try and move forward before hitting the big 3-0. Initially, I had this crazy idea of writing down an actual list of what I wanted to accomplish before 30. However, I didn't want to add something trivial just to get 30 things on my list.

So with that, I'll be chronicling the next 30 days so I can look back and say yes. Yes, to knowing that I'm at peace in what I've done thus far. As Lisa would tell me, it's not about how much money or how successful you become, but instead, it's more of the intrinsic rewards that shape and mold us to be the better person we can be.